«Terrifier 3» Inspires Disney to Ditch Morals for Mayhem and Maniacs 👿🖤🎬

Hakuna Matata... or Massacre? Disney’s New Lineup Features Slashers, Strippers, and Soft Porn

In an absolutely expected plot twist, Disney — yes, that family-friendly empire of talking animals and princesses — has decided to take a hard left turn into the world of blood, guts, and depravity. After witnessing the independent horror flick «Terrifier 3» rake in almost $20 million in just one weekend on a meager $200K budget, Disney execs reportedly had a collective meltdown. Apparently, the solution to their recent string of box-office flops isn’t better writing or coherent storytelling. No, no. It’s chainsaws and cleavage.

Why invest in another heartfelt tale of a magical singing mermaid when you can just hack a few limbs off and call it a day? 🪓 Mickey’s gone rogue, folks, and it’s not looking pretty. In fact, Disney has already lined up ten sure-to-traumatize films over the next five years, covering every genre from slasher to soft porn (sorry, «adults only content»). Get ready for a whole new cinematic experience with titles like:

  1. «Finding Gore-y» 🧟‍♀️
  2. «Snow White and the Seven Strippers» 💃
  3. «Mulan Chainsaw Massacre» 🔪
  4. «The Little Machete Maid» 🧜‍♀️
  5. «Cinderella’s Bloody Slippers» 👠🩸
  6. «Goofy Gets Gutted» 🐶
  7. «The Lion Strips» 🦁
  8. «Beauty and the Beast… in Chains» ⛓️
  9. «Frozen: Human Popsicles» 🧊
  10. «Bambi’s Revenge: The Bloodening» 🦌🔫

Disney, once hailed for their magic and moral values, is now throwing decency to the wind like a blood-spattered tiara. Whether it’s «Empowerment Through Dismemberment» or «Princesses Gone Wild,» one thing’s for sure — your childhood memories are about to be obliterated faster than you can say “Hakuna Matata.” 🤡

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Finn McFrame

Finn McFrame, celebrated satirical mastermind and self-proclaimed “Emperor of Irony,” started his illustrious career as a cinematographer, where his expertise in capturing every single frame of a squirrel stealing a baguette earned him accolades at obscure film festivals.

Born in the glamorous town of Boring, Oregon, Finn grew up with dreams of being a Hollywood director until he realized that satire, not cinema, was his true calling—or at least the one that let him sleep until noon.

Finn McFrame: changing the world, one satirical lens flare at a time.

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