Studies Show Majority Of People Who Say They Don’t Want Kids Have Never Flown A Toddler Around In A Laundry Basket While Making Rocket Ship Sounds

Studies Show Majority Of People Who Say They Don't Want Kids Have Never Flown A Toddler Around In A Laundry Basket While Making Rocket Ship Sounds

CINCINNATI, OH — An eye-opening new study has shown that the majority of people who say they don’t want to have kids have never put a toddler in a laundry basket and flown them around while making rocket ship sounds.

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Finn McFrame

Finn McFrame, celebrated satirical mastermind and self-proclaimed “Emperor of Irony,” started his illustrious career as a cinematographer, where his expertise in capturing every single frame of a squirrel stealing a baguette earned him accolades at obscure film festivals.

Born in the glamorous town of Boring, Oregon, Finn grew up with dreams of being a Hollywood director until he realized that satire, not cinema, was his true calling—or at least the one that let him sleep until noon.

Finn McFrame: changing the world, one satirical lens flare at a time.

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