Virtually Imperceptible Facial Expression Sends Shock Wave Through ‘White Lotus’ Fan Base

    Read MoreThe OnionNEW YORK—With thousands flocking to social media to discuss a scene from the popular HBO series in which a character’s brow is slightly furrowed, an almost imperceptible facial expression is said to have sent a shock wave through the White Lotus fan base Sunday evening. “Y’all…did you see what Walton Goggins just did using nothing
The post Virtually Imperceptible Facial Expression Sends Shock Wave Through ‘White Lotus’ Fan Base appeared first on The Onion.  

Finn McFrame

Finn McFrame, celebrated satirical mastermind and self-proclaimed “Emperor of Irony,” started his illustrious career as a cinematographer, where his expertise in capturing every single frame of a squirrel stealing a baguette earned him accolades at obscure film festivals.

Born in the glamorous town of Boring, Oregon, Finn grew up with dreams of being a Hollywood director until he realized that satire, not cinema, was his true calling—or at least the one that let him sleep until noon.

Finn McFrame: changing the world, one satirical lens flare at a time.

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